Privacy Policy

Last Update: 16 September 2024

It is our policy to respect the confidentiality of information and the privacy of individuals.

Exmon Cryptocurrency Exchange (henceforth, “we”, “us”, “our”, and “the company”), asks you for certain personal information in order to provide various services to you through the Exmon website (henceforth “the website”). We will adhere to our guidelines on the protection of personal information, as well as the relevant laws and regulations, and conduct the collection, use and management of personal information in a responsible manner.

Definition of Personal InformationDefinition of Personal Information
In this privacy policy, personal information refers to the personal information defined in Paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, which is the information relating to a living individual falling under either of those containing a name, date of birth, or other descriptions etc. whereby a specific individual can be identified (including those which can be readily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual),or those containing an individual identification code.

Collection of Personal Information
We will collect personal information fairly and appropriately, and not through any false or dishonest means.

Use of Personal Information
We will use the personal information that we collect for the purposes listed below. When we need to use personal information other than for the purposes listed below, we shall obtain prior consent from the individual concerned.

To provide various services
To respond to various inquiries
To provide information on products, services, and campaigns offered by the Company;
To conduct market research and investigate analytics that are relevant to the products and services offered by the Company;
To verify information on financial service accounts and also to check the related transactions; and
To serve any other purposes that are ancillary to any of the aforementioned purposes of use.

Safe Handling of Personal Information
We will take appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information and to ensure its safe handling.

Management of Personal Information Entrusted to Third Parties
The Company will obtain the consent of those customers in advance when it intends to provide any personal information pertaining to its customers to a third party.However, except in any of the following cases, unless it is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or another applicable law:

1)if the Company contracts a third party to handle personal information, in whole or in part, to an extent that is necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use, provided that the Company properly supervises the third party pursuant to the applicable law; or

2)if the Company’s business operation including provision of personal information is succeeded by a third party due to a merger, company split, business transfer, or any other reason.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Unless otherwise specified by laws such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual concerned.

Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
If we receive a request for the disclosure of personal information from the individual concerned, we will do so to an appropriate extent within a reasonable period of time. If we are unable to confirm the applicant’s identity at that time, we will not comply with the disclosure.

If there is an error in the personal information that we hold and we receive a request for the correction, addition, deletion of information, we will conduct an investigation and respond to the request promptly. If we are unable to confirm the applicant’s identity at that time, we will not comply with the request.

(1) The accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information contained in the website is not guaranteed.

(2) The information contained in this website or accessible through the website is not guaranteed to be free of computer viruses or spyware.

(3) The company will bear absolutely no responsibility for any damages incurred due to use of the website. Please use the information on this site at your own risk.

Discontinuance of Utilization on Personal Information
If you request the Company to discontinue utilizing or to erase your personal information on the grounds that your personal information is being handled in a manner that exceeds the scope of the purpose of utilization publicly announced in advance or because your personal information has been acquired through deception or any other wrongful means, the Company will carry out any necessary inspection on your personal information without delay and, on the basis of the results, discontinue utilizing or erase your personal information and notify you to that effect. However, this may not apply unless we are obligated to discontinue the utilization on your personal information by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws.

Disclosure on Personal Information, Objections, Complaints, and any other Opinions related to Privacy
1) If there is a need to request on disclosuring on personal infomation, filing bjections, complaints, and making any other opinions related to privacy, please directly request through . Once the details on the request has been checked, the Company will respond by an e-mail in order to treat appropriately.

2) If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you have certain data protection rights under Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please contact through as it is stated above, for using the right of GDPR. If the request has not been treated appropriately, you will have the right to file objections to supervisory authorities.

Changes to This Policy
The contents of this policy are subject to change. Changes to the policy will come into effect when they are posted on the website.

The copyright for the contents of the website belong to our company. Unauthorized reproduction of the information on this website is forbidden.

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